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5 Best Free Photo Editor Android with AI Features



Best Free Photo Editor Android

Looking for some best free photo editor Android? You will find a great one here!

Technology does provide convenience for many people, including in editing and beautifying the appearance of photos. As we know before, photos are indeed one of the most valuable items. Because from photos, we can remember sweet memories that will never be repeated again that are captured there.

For those of you who want to edit the appearance of photos such as changing the background, brightening photos, adding effects, images, funny stickers to beautify the face in the photo, you need the best photo editing application that can beautify your image results.

Here are 5 recommendations for the best photo apps that you can use in editing your pictures so that they look like the results of professional photographers!

Best Free Photo Editor Android with Advanced Features

There are many best photo editing apps that you can use to beautify your images. But, are you still confused about which application you want to try? Don’t worry, here are 5 of the best free photo editor Android, including the following:

1. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is the best free photo editor Android of all time. This application can be installed on your smartphone. Even this application is also a mainstay for many people. How to operate this application is very easy and almost the same as the software version. Several individuals believe that the mobile version of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is further simpler.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is also able to help you remove objects in photos, to change the background so that your work can feel smoother and more perfect. Not only that, the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom application can also be used to refine and sharpen colors in images.

Supported DeviceAndroid 8.0 and up
DownloadAdobe Photoshop Lightroom

2. VSCO Cam

The next best free photo editor Android is VSCOM. This photo editor provides tons of filters with their own uniqueness. The filters available in this VSCO application are presented according to alphabetical categories, making it easier for users to remember them.

In addition, VSCO also provides a photo editing feature that can be used to change the color tone of the photo so that it feels more alive. How to use it is relatively easy, you can install it on your Smartphone.

Supported DeviceAndroid 6.0 and up
DownloadVSCO Cam

3. PicsArt Photo Studio

PicsArt Photo Studio is also the best free photo editor Android that is most widely used by smartphone users. This application can not only beautify photos, but you can also adjust brightness, sharpness, saturation in photos, you can also add effects, images, stickers and so on.

Supported DeviceAndroid 6.0 and up
DownloadPicsArt Photo Studio

4. Photogrid

If you want to make a collage of various photos, Photogrid can be the answer to all your wishes. This the best free photo editor Android can also unite one photo with another, add stickers and images, edit brightness and photo effects as well. How to use it is relatively easy, you just have to choose what menu you want to do, there are collages and edit photos.

Supported DeviceAndroid 9.0 and up

5. Pixlr

Pixlr is basically considered the best free photo editor Android that is very effective and easier than other apps. Pixlr itself offers a variety of interesting features, ranging from borders, effects, overlays, and many more. You may download this photo editing software from the Play Store or the App Store.You may download it from the Play Store or the App Store.

Moreover, Pixlr is also very easy to use. It can also edit various types of photos, be it JPG, PNG, PXD and so on.

Supported DeviceAndroid 9.0 and up

Tips to Edit Photos Like a Professional Photographer

After knowing the best photo editing app, there are a few things you should know to improve your photo editing skills, which are listed below:

  • Analyze and compare brightness and contrast in your photos
  • Select the appropriate effect to rejuvenate your face. Aside from that, you can also change the color of your eyes by changing the color of your eyelashes
  • Set the timer if you want to take photos
  • Adjust the background as you wanted
  • You also can cropping the photo
  • Adjust the photo’s highlights and shadows

Well, those are some of the best free photo editor Android that you can use for your needs. Whether it is for company purposes or for your social media, those apps really work to make your image better. Don’t forget to improve your skill on capturing objects to produce the best pictures you never had before!

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Blockchain Technology Works More Than Crypto




Blockchain Technology

In the modern era where almost everything is digital, you may know or at least hear if blockchain technology is one of the biggest innovations in this era. Thanks to this system, it has changed the way the world trades, communicates, and works in many fields such as finance, logistics, and government. 

What is Blockchain?

You probably have heard about blockchain technology, but do you know what it really is? For short, it actually can be defined as a growing list of blocks where each block is linked to the previous block. The block in the system represents a collection of transactions with a timestamp and a hash of the previous block.

In simple terms, blockchain also can be described as a digital transaction storage system. This system will permanently record every transaction you made and save the data in a public database called a ledger or ledger where the ledger represents distributed transactions.

Implementation of Blockchain Technology in Life

As we know, nowadays the development of crypto assets is increasingly popular with the general public. Unfortunately, even though the existence of crypto cannot be separated from a technology called blockchain many people still assume if crypto is blockchain itself.

This is actually not true, in fact blockchain technology underlies the development of many crypto assets such as Bitcoin and NFT (Non Fungible Token). So, apart from being the fundamental for developing digital assets, what are the other benefits of this system and implemented in our life? If you want to know, here are a few examples.

1. Government Transparency

As we explained at the beginning, blockchain technology can be very effective in storing transactions and information traces which will be very useful for government audits since it can be seen by the general public without having to go through a login process first.

This is because this technology also works as a real-time monitoring of e-government services and government contracts. Blockchain technology is fundamental for the development of good and efficient public services where all institutions can easily and transparently share their data.

For your information, blockchain actually allows inter-departmental data storage in a private network, providing authentication on each network so that it can be useful in building trust and confidentiality.

As a database, this system is designed to store your information in a digital format so it can maintain records safely and organized.

Unlike banking systems, the blockchain is different because all the data, information and even funds that you provided will not be known by unauthorized people without your knowledge or permission.

Not only is it effective, the blockchain can also make your life easier and provide a sense of security due to the principle of transparency that we have explained. Not only that, this principle is also very useful for minimizing the embezzlement by certain individuals.

In addition, this is still controversial but many developed countries are considering using this system for voting. In the future, voters will receive an ID which also functions as a verification medium where their vote is registered on the system and counted officially.

2. Healthcare

Do you know if blockchain technology also can be used in healthcare including health insurance, drug supply, biomedical research, medical education, electronic health records, procurement processes, and other patient service needs?.

The database in the blockchain is appended only, where you can only add information but cannot access to correct the data. With this system, it will make hackers who want to attack or steal your data difficult to enter.

During a healthcare worker crisis like today, this system will be of great help. When an organization needs someone for a certain position, they only need to issue a smart contract on the blockchain system. This can help job applicants to see more information on each job position.

3. Finance

In finance, blockchain has become an important tool because it is very useful in simplifying banking processes, reducing risk, credit services, and reducing processing time. Apart from that, this system also makes it possible to track any accounting transactions.

This is because the system is created as a digital ledger which only can be accessed and visited by anyone, anywhere and anytime without having to ask for approval or permission from the banks.

Please take a note if the system does seem profitable at first glance, but you need to remember that no system is perfect. If there are advantages, of course there are disadvantages that need to be considered. Therefore, if you want to use this system, you should also pay attention to the negative impacts of blockchain technology, so that you understand the risks that may occur.

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Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality, Which is Better?




Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality

New technology such as Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality can be really interesting for the younger generation. With these technologies, you as the users can experience virtual worlds that look real and interesting. Even though at first glance they are similar, these two are completely different technologies.

Know the Difference of Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the latest technology, AR and VR may make you struggle to tell the difference. But, once you understand the meaning of the two, you will know the difference. For information, here are a number of differences between Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality that you need to know.

1. Experience

In Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality is technology that separates the real and virtual worlds while Augmented Reality “combines” both of the worlds. Because it just separated the worlds,  Augmented Reality users only experience 25% virtual and 75% real. Meanwhile, it’s different for Virtual Reality users where you can experience 75% virtual and 25% real worlds.

For the short, Augmented Reality is a real world that adds a little bit of digital elements without actual interaction because Augmented Reality only enhances your virtual experience while Virtual Reality makes you “jump” to the virtual world.

As one of the technology changed the world, Augmented Reality can improve our shopping experience by displaying clothes or furniture real time in your gadget before purchasing. You just need some gadgets such as tablets or mobile phones to use it.  

2. Equipment 

As we know, Virtual Reality uses fancy equipment that can cost you thousands of dollars to experience the digital world deeper. Meanwhile, Augmented Reality only needs a smartphone camera and sometimes no headset is required. Unfortunately, it still requires bandwidth above 100 Mbps meanwhile Virtual Reality only uses 50 Mbps connection.

Just for your information, this Augmented Reality technology actually has been used on a daily basis since it can be found on social media. That’s why it is much cheaper than Virtual Reality since it doesn’t need much high end technology.

Meanwhile, Virtual Reality will make you disconnected from the real world and completely enter the virtual world through multiple specific devices such as the Pico 4 and Meta Quest 2.

Please take note if Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality also focuses on simulating your vision so you have to wear an extra headset screen in front of your eyes. Two lenses will be placed between your eyes and you need to adjust it according to eye movements and your position. Why? Because it will eliminate any interaction with the real world.

For the better result, you can use glasses, speakers, and sometimes handheld wearable to fully immersive digital experience. You also can change the visuals on the screen using an HDMI cable that is connected to a computer or smartphone. In this virtual world, you can use visual and tactile stimulation so that the “vision” looks more immersive.

With this technology, you may feel yourself to be in the real world where you also can touch, hear, and interact with the surrounding area. By using some of the tools above, you will enter the digital world even deeper.

3. How Does It Works

To know more about Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality, the technology may look very advanced but in reality the way Augmented Reality devices work is actually quite simple. It only involves computer vision, mapping, and in-depth tracking by using your camera to collect, transmit and process the data so the content is suitable for the user.

Compared to Virtual Reality, it is more complicated because it is actually a simulation produced by a computer. If you look deeper, it uses the same technology that is used in 3D films and video games graphics because it helps create simulations that resemble the real world. 

To make it more “real” and “immerses” you can use computers and sensory devices. This technology will “enhance” the sensation from sight, hearing, to touch. It’s very different from Augmented Reality which is only limited to visuals. Now, you know the differences between Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality.

Final Words

Apart from the differences between Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality above, both can be used simultaneously. Generally, the two blend nicely to create a better immersive experience for users in the fictional world. 

The way to do this is by providing a new dimension of interaction between the real and virtual worlds using Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality at the same time. So, think carefully before you buy one of these technologies.

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Will GOC Technology Shape Our Future Digital Industry?




GOC Technology

Most of us may haven’t heard about GOC technology before but do you know if this kind of technology has actually started to become popular? This technology may not be well known by the general public like smartphones, but this one actually quite revolutionary.

In fact, it may be more present in your everyday life without you realizing it. This technology is actually used in many fields such as personalized recommendations on your favorite streaming platforms and advanced voice recognition in your virtual assistants. GOC already integrates into many aspects of our device and shapes our digital experience.

Understanding What is GOC Technology

We do realize that the world of modern day technology is always evolving almost every day with new advances in technology and superior features. But, among all the new technology around us, GOC technology can be called as a revolutionary that completely changes the way we interact with the digital world.

For your information, GOC is actually an abbreviation for Glass Optical Communication. From its name, you can tell if this technology is related to optical fiber communication that is used to transmit data and the internet. Without this, we can’t access anything from our digital world.

But what exactly is so important about GOC, and how does it impact our daily lives? First, the most important thing about this technology is it plays a significant part in transforming our digital economy and industry. Why? Because it helps enhance our data security, simplifying financial operations and enhancing your experience as a customer.

Nowadays, you can find this technology applied in many finance industries especially in Finance Technology aka Fintech. With the integration of the new Artificial Intelligence program, this type of business can be more effective and efficient because it can make decisions from data with superior accuracy.

Just like any digital business, the key for a successful FinTech is innovation which GOC Technology also will take a big part. Now, imagine a fast network that connects between computers where each one is storage for frequently accessed data.

When you request information, GOC will automatically route your request to a nearby server that stores a copy of the data/information you ask. This system may look simple but this process will reduce latency significantly and make sure you receive the information that you need without a long delay.

The Benefit of GOC Technology

The fact that GOC technology offers many benefits that can improve your experience is significantly true. But, what exactly other benefits can you gain from this technology? According to our source, these advantages include:

1. Reduced Latency

If you don’t know, latency is the time lag between the cause and effect of some physical change in an observed system. In short, latency is a delay in network communications.  By reducing the latency, the process of sending your data will become faster so you can receive it without lag.

Just like we explain above, GOC technology will reduce the latency significantly by storing the data closer to the user. With this method, your load times will be faster because GOC uses special and unique glass fiber that can optimize its speed and performance.

With this, attenuation or the weakening of the signal that used to happen every time it went through the medium (conventional fiber optic) can be reduced significantly.

2. Improved Scalability

Not only for finance, this technology is actually also beneficial for internet marketer especially if you always work with SEO. GOC technology is able to increase the scaling smoothly, this will allow the system to increase data requests and cycle traffic effectively.

The correlation between GOC and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is actually quite important. Understanding how GOC impacts on searching algorithms will significantly help with your businesses online visibility.

3. Improved Performance

By reducing the latency, GOC will optimize your network performance, make it smoother to use. The technology also plays an important role in CDNs because it can deliver your content such as websites, images and videos around the world within a short time.

This GOC also gives a positive impact on your user experience since it can be used to create a more user-friendly digital world.

4. Enhanced Reliability

The best benefit from GOC is not only it will increase network but your data still can be accessible even if your servers experience downtime.

Looking ahead, the future of GOC technology seems more promising and even more advanced every day. As technology continues to develop, we hope GOC will play a more important role in shaping the next generation of digital industry and innovation.

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