Why Finland Education System is the Best in the World?

Why Finland Education System is the Best in the World

Have you ever wondered why Finland education system is the best in the world? Education is one of the essential points in building a great country. If a nation has a great educational system, then it is able to be said that Finland is superior due to the fact that the following technology could be… Continue reading Why Finland Education System is the Best in the World?

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UNESCO Declares Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha as Religious Holidays

UNESCO Declares Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha as Religious Holidays

UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It is a global company established under the auspices of the United Nations in 1945. UNESCO’s principal recognition is to promote cooperation between nations in the fields of training, technology, and subculture around the world. The purpose of the status quo of UNESCO is as… Continue reading UNESCO Declares Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha as Religious Holidays

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5 The Most Popular Social Media Platforms to Stay Up to Date

The Most Popular Social Media Platforms

The internet and the most popular social media platforms make it smooth for many people to speak. In truth, we can talk with many people in diverse places without problems simply by utilizing social media applications which can be famous among old and young. But, did you already know that there are some social media… Continue reading 5 The Most Popular Social Media Platforms to Stay Up to Date

Categorized as Info, Tech

Gender Identity and Expression from Experts Perspectives

Gender Identity and Expression

Discussing gender identity and expression, it may be endless to always be studied, especially in a country that strongly upholds patriarchy. Equality is a goal that should be realized by all human beings with the intention of completely eradicating humans who consider themselves superior to others. Gender inequality does not only happen to women, but… Continue reading Gender Identity and Expression from Experts Perspectives

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Iceland is the World’s Best Country For Gender Equality

Gender Equality in Iceland

Gender equality is indeed the most common problem around the world. In fact, this issue discusses the equal position of men and women in doing anything without discrimination. But, have you ever heard of a country that has an equal and fair level equality of gender between men and women? Iceland is a country that… Continue reading Iceland is the World’s Best Country For Gender Equality

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